Repair Rugs

Rug Repairs and restoration work services in Sydney Australia @rugsonlinerugs

AtΒ Rugs Online Rugs

We offer a full range of repairs and restoration work on all hand knotted rugs.

Our artisan have many years of experience in the art of repairing and restoring traditional, rugs and runners.

In some cases we can re-size, re-fringe, re-overlock and re-weave your rug to give it that updated service to keep it fresh look for many years to come.

In Machine made rugs and runners overlocking damage is common problem due to wear and tear, we can overlock or re-fringe your rug back with matching colour yarn.

There are no job too big or too small for us.

As we are based in Sydney we can only offer our repair rug services with inΒ  Sydney metro.

We can give you suggestions if you sending us photos of your damaged rugs.Β 

If you have any queriesΒ feel free to contact one of our team by using contact form below.
