Cut & Join Rugs and Runners

AtΒ Rugs Online Rugs

You can create your own size with our Cut & Join Services

Rugs are often come in standardΒ sizes that may not be exactly the right size for your room.

- It is possible to join two rugs together into a single larger rug, particularly if the smaller rugs are rectangular or square in shape and of a similar size. AndΒ It is possible to cut rug to make a smaller rug.

-Β We can make some round rugs from larger rectangle size rugs or make existing round rugs into a smaller size of you choice and we finish by overlocking it.

- Custom Runners will cut from continuous roll if a continuous rolls is not available we can join two runners for you, to get the pattern right we suggest have a minimum and maximum size in length so we can match the pattern for you. In most cases with mitring it helps to have a continues border pattern all around.

Please before you order for cutting or mitring Contact Us to make sure you have measured correctly and organising delivery.

If you have any queriesΒ feel free to contact one of our team by using contact form below.